Need one more loss for the most epic collapse in team history.
(too old to reply)
2023-01-02 00:13:58 UTC
Great job guys! Well, at least they’ll get a decent pick next year. Oh, wait...

Well, they’ll fix this in free agency. Oh, wait...

This team sucks and apparently always will.
L J Alibi
2023-01-02 11:51:20 UTC
Post by Drumrboy
Great job guys! Well, at least they’ll get a decent pick next year. Oh, wait...
Well, they’ll fix this in free agency. Oh, wait...
This team sucks and apparently always will.
The fins do it every year at the beginning of the season. They reel you in with hope that THIS YEAR is going to be the one. Then they kick you in the balls as the season ends with multiple losses.

Tua is a good QB however if he can’t stay healthy then it’s time to move on. Baker Mayfield will be a free agent this year and I’m hoping Miami can sign him. He would flourish in McDaniel’s offense. Boyer should be fired now and replaced with a DC that has a clue. Maybe go after one of the defensive assistants on the 49’rs.

It’s apparent Grier can’t draft good linemen and won’t use a pick on a good RB and he should be on the same bus that Boyer is on at the end of the season. He signs a guy who was a free agent that played with the Chiefs when they won the SB and he has yet to play a single snap because he is injured. If Ross can’t see that Grier is not capable of the GM’s position maybe he should sell the team or it could be the video Grier has of him with the goats.
Dan the Man
2023-01-02 17:57:27 UTC
Post by Drumrboy
Great job guys! Well, at least they’ll get a decent pick next year. Oh, wait...
Well, they’ll fix this in free agency. Oh, wait...
This team sucks and apparently always will.
The Hurricanes are sitting and watching while Bowling Green and New Mexico State are in bowl games.
The Dolphins are in yet-another end of season tailspin.
How did Miami (a place with so many great high-schoolers) become such a football wasteland??

